Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day Three

In the morning we drove over to Jon and Becky's house.  We were going to Erin, TN to the old family homestead and Griffin Cemetary but the weather was so bad we changed plans.  We went over to Uncle Roy's house for a visit and to review family history and geneology.  I copied a lot of old photos and heard many stories of our past.  After a good lunch with Sonya and Becky at a French bisto on Gallatin Rd., went on back to Jon  Becky's house.

Went to Puckett's in Franklin, TN for dinner and a show with the family. 

Day Two

After checking out of the B&B, we drove over to Ruby Falls.  We had never been there either and the tour was actually pretty good.  Heavy rain started as we were leaving but we still went to the Craven House, site of a Civil War battle for Chattanooga.  It's part of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. We saw the inclined railroad but skipped riding. 

Rather than drive back through Chattanooga, we headed west out to Cloudland Canyon State Park, the original "Grand Canyon" but got rained out.
As we headed down the mountain we began to see more strom damage.  The ranger at the state park told us that the tornados had come through thst missed the area and had just missed the State Park.  At the base of the mountains, in a little town we sow the damage up close.  Several people had been killed here and the destruction was sickening.

After a pit stop at The Krystle, we headed on to Nashville.  We stayed at Judy's parent's condo and had a great dinner of Mimi's barbaqued ribs.  Janet and Melinda came over for dinner and we had a fun evening together.

Day One...off to Chattanooga, TN.

We drove throught Atlanta and on to Lookout Mountain our first day.  The Chanticleer Inn B&B where we stayed was right across from Rock City so after we checked in we walked over.  I had never been there but have always enjoyed the "See Rock City" signs.  Walking through the rock formations was interesting and we actually think we saw the 7 states you are supposed to see from Lookout Mountain.  We were going to try to see Ruby Falls also but it was getting late so we so we just went back to the Inn to inquire of dinner possibilities.

The Canyon Grill was suggested.  It was about 25 miles down Lookout Mtn. in the boondocks for sure.  Turns out it is a 4 star restaurant rated in the top 10 in Georgia.  Fantastic first dinner meal on our road trip.  On the way back we watch hangliders down in the valley as the sun went down. Good day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Here we go! Off on our cross country road trip to Eugene, OR and back, hopefully.

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